
Prayer is talking to God.  He is always there in times of trouble but wants to hear about the good times too, for which we must thank and praise him. 

We pray together during our church services and in our own private prayer time.  We also have a Prayer Group that meets via Zoom.


Prayer cross


At the back of St Peter and St Paul there is a small prayer cross and a stack of yellow prayer cards.  You are invited to write on a card your concern, for yourself or another and this will be brought to the altar on the following Sunday and prayed aloud at the weekly Prayer Group meeting on Zoom.


Zoom Prayer Group

There is a weekly Prayer Group, held on Zoom.  This has proved a very effective way of praying together as a small group.  You can stay in the comfort of your own home yet join together in prayer.  The meeting starts with listening to some music and then a time of praise and thanks before intercessions.  You are not required to pray out loud, there are several prayer warriors whose strength is in quiet support rather than verbalising prayer.

This group is on a Thursday afternoon from 4-5pm and the Zoom link is emailed weekly.  Everyone is welcome to join.

Intercessions during services

During Sunday worship, and occasionally at other times, a member of the congregation leads the intercessions from the back of the church. Resources are available but the intercessors are responsible for preparing the prayers themselves.  

There is a rota for the intercessors and your turn would be every four weeks or so, less if we have more volunteers!

Please contact Olwen Smith if you are interested in volunteering:

Christian Healing Prayer

There are times when we all struggle, emotionally or physically, and this is when we need the healing power of Jesus the most. There is no judgement or embarrassment at this time, just a willingness to pray and ask God for his help.

Nick, the Rector, and a small team are available for healing prayer as requested but short healing sessions are generally held on generally Wednesday mornings, after the 10am Holy Communion.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of church tradition or denomination or any faith at all.

If you want to make a specific appointment or explore this further then please phone, text or email, Nick, for a chat and cup of tea.

Email:          Tel: 01908 612244 / 07769 550204

Prayer Request

If you are unable to leave a prayer request in the Prayer Cross then please submit your request online using this form

Your request will go directly to the Rector and be treated confidentially within the boundaries of the Prayer Group.

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